Deaths from Heat Waves to Increase 2000%: “It Will Be Awful”

This story is from Sputnik and is presented with a straight face: It Will Be Awful:’ Global Warming Could Soon Increase Heat Wave Deaths 2,000% Excerpts below in italics with my bolds and some references for context.

Deaths Classified as “Heat-Related” in the United States, 1979–2014. Source: EPA

The number of deaths from heat waves could increase by up to 2,000 percent in some areas of the world by 2080, according to a new study released Tuesday by researchers at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.

“Future heat waves in particular will be more frequent, more intense and will last much longer,” Yuming Guo, the study’s lead researcher, said in a Tuesday statement to Reuters. “If we cannot find a way to mitigate the climate change (reduce the heat wave days) and help people adapt to heat waves, there will be a big increase of heat wave-related deaths in the future.”

The researchers developed a model to predict the number of deaths caused by heatwaves in 412 communities in 20 countries on four continents between 2031 and 2080.

The study predicted mortality caused by heat waves under different scenarios that take into account levels of greenhouse gas emissions, population density and adaptation strategies.

“We estimated heat wave-mortality associations through a two-stage time series design,” the report, which was published in PLOS Medicine, stated.

“Current and future daily mean temperature series were projected under four scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions from 1971 — 2099… We projected excess mortality in relation to heat waves in the future under each scenario of greenhouse gas emissions, with two assumptions for adaptation (no adaptation and hypothetical adaptation) and three scenarios of population change (high variant, median variant and low variant).”

The findings stated that the increase in mortality caused by heat waves is expected to be highest near the equator. Countries in that area are projected see a 2,000 percent increase in heat wave-related fatalities from 2031 to 2080, compared to the 1971 to 2020 span.

India sees sharp fall in heat wave deaths  CNN June 25, 2018

“If people cannot adapt to future climate change, heat wave-related excess mortality is expected to increase the most in tropical and subtropical countries/regions, while European countries and the United States will have smaller increases. The more serious the greenhouse gas emissions, the higher the heat wave-related excess mortality in the future,” concluded the study.

Even if people do adapt to future climate change, heat wave-related deaths would still increase in the future under the high-variant population and serious greenhouse gas emissions situations. The projected increase in mortality is much smaller, however, than in the no-adaptation cases.

Heat-related mortality trends under recent climate warming in Spain: A 36-year observational study

• We analysed daily mortality records from 47 major cities in Spain.
• There has been a general and sustained decline in the vulnerability of the population since 1980.
• Despite the observed warming, the decline of the vulnerability has generally contributed to a progressive reduction in the number of deaths attributed to heat since 1980.

Fred Magdoff, professor emeritus of plant and soil science at the University of Vermont and co-author of “What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism” and “Creating an Ecological Society: Toward a Revolutionary Transformation,” told Sputnik Wednesday that the increase in heat waves will not only affect poorer countries that are close to the equator, but also countries like Japan.
(Note: Magdoff is not related to Bernie Madoff, who made off with 65 billion US$ by bilking investors.)

“Although the poor countries will have more problems with this, it also affects the north — Japan hit an all time high of 106 degrees F, and there are heat waves in Europe and the US. Clearly those in the wealthier countries are able to deal with this better, either through home air conditioning or access to ‘cooling stations,'” Magdoff told Sputnik.

The carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere is currently about 410 ppm (it was around 320 in the 1950s), and in a relatively few decades it will reach 450, assuming current trends persist. After that, global warming may actually increase faster. Thus, I am not too surprised about the prediction for 2080 — not a pretty picture indeed. It will be awful,” Magdoff added.

According to the study, adaptation strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are necessary, including opening cooling centers and painting rooftops white to reflect sunlight.

Footnote:  A previous post celebrated the fact that heat wave hysteria was muted this year.  Obviously, that didn’t last very long.

“World to burn up; Women, minorities and the poor to be hardest hit.”


  1. Bob Greene · August 2, 2018

    If “climate change” will result in more heat deaths, then there should be ample data showing the inverse relationship between latitude and death rate. Having lived in North Carolina, New Orleans, Michigan and Virginia I haven’t seen it. At 71 I feel the effects of heat more than I did when I was 21, however, I guarantee that cold affects me much more.

    Should we believe data and observations or should we believe unsubstantiated fear mongering?


    • Ron Clutz · August 2, 2018

      Bob, to your point:
      In the U.S., some 4,600 deaths are delayed each year as people move from cold northeastern states to warm southwestern states. Between 3 and 7% of the gains in longevity experienced over the past three decades was due simply to people moving to warmer states.


  2. Gengis · August 2, 2018

    Well you never stop learning. After over 70 years of learning, I find out that India is no where near the equator – who’d have thought it. And we continue to pay the salaries of these morons.
    Have any of these morons thought that if the world heats up there will be more wind = more evaporation = more rainfall = cooler temperatures, and Timmy Flattery that is more rain over parched Australia!


    • Ron Clutz · August 2, 2018

      Gengis, it was me who added in the India reference, not confusing it with an equatorial location. The point is to show the effect of heat waves in a relatively poor country.

      Note that the graph is showing under 1000 deaths most years and rising to 2000 a few years. While any death is a loss to loved ones, these are occurring in a nation of 1.354 billion people with an annual death rate of 7.3/1000. Doing the math, India’s annual death rate is 9,884,200. So they are doing a good job limiting deaths from heat, and according to the linked CNN article, public health measures have further reduced heat related deaths .


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